Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friday, July 17, 2009

Monday, July 21, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thank You Hunter!

I distributed your gifts to the children of Uganda and they were very happy! I hope you enjoy the video!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Go Bucks!

I've heard people say that Buckeye fans are everywhere. Now I have photographic evidence.

Here's a picture of my new friend from Uganda, Dennis. He was our trip leader from the Uganda office this past week and did a wonderful job. Dennis is only 22 years old but he did an awesome job leading 15 people all over his beautiful country. My Mom used to tell me when I was his age that I would lose my head if it wasn't screwed on tight. Not Dennis. Notice his Ohio State sweater.

Here's a photograph of a Compassion sponsored child with a Brutus Buckeye doll. He's even wearing a Teddy Ginn, Jr. jersey!

Here's another photo of some boys from a Compassion project doing O-H-I-O. I'm using this photo as the desktop image on my computer!

Go Bucks!

Finally a Decent Internet Connection!

I've arrived safely back from Uganda. However, I'm struggling with some jet lag. The 9 hour time difference and over 30 hour travel time have taken their toll.

Our Internet connection issues never did improve in Uganda. So, I decided to not post during the trip in order to give our limited bandwidth to the power bloggers that were traveling with me. Their blogs get alot more traffic than my blog and have a greater opportunity to release more children from poverty in Jesus' name.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day Leigh Ann!

This post is for my wife, Leigh Ann. I'm sorry that I am not there to celebrate Valentines Day with you. I miss you and I love you. I've asked some of the Ugandan children that I met to help me share Valentines wishes to you. I hope you enjoy the video below!